pátek 9. ledna 2009

In our society, media has become an extremely powerful force that is driving and shaping our lives and our expectation. We are gradually trying to keep up with what is called the media ‘ideal’. This concerns the life style, beauty and perfection of fake lives we can see in media. It is damaging the idea of diverse standards of beauty and shapes our minds to single stream ‘perfect’ body type. Especially for women, if this body type can’t be achieved, they feel something is wrong with them. Extreme cases lead to the feeling of worthlessness and problems such as anorexia and bulimia. Media portrays women in many ways, but mostly they have one in common: thin is beautiful, thin is perfect. The amount of airbrushing and similar processes is not considered by an ordinary woman when she is bombarded with these images every day. It is important to look more closely at this problem to see the effects and possible dangers.

3 komentáře:

  1. Lucie, I found your web site interesting and trustworthy. It seems that you are interested in this subject, and maybe even emotional about it. I agree with your ideas. Media puts a lot of pressure on women, and that leads to for example mental illness as anorexia.

  2. Hi Lucie,
    I found your blog very interesting , and your comparsion about thin models realistic.
    i believe women should not believe everything what is said in fancy magazines neither.

  3. Lucie,

    Your blog is definitely worth of attention. A problem which is discusssed in your blog is one of the most worldwide and serious problems for today. I agree about everything you mentioned. However, I would like to add one more point which I find quite interesting. All of us know that today's false "ideal beauty" idea came from fashion designers and this idea is spread around the world exactly by them because only women we see on fashion shows are very thin models. So, my point is following: Why don't we just think about one important thing? WHO ARE THESE DESIGNERS? Are they a "real men"? The thing is that they are far not a real men. What I mean is that almost all of them have not traditional orientation. So, the conclusion is quite logical. How can a not traditional orientation man know what it is to be a real woman? It's just impossible. They will always seek for a women who have more "boy type" appearance, which means a woman with almost no exaggerated forms. So, the ideal of beauty which is given by the designers is quite false. Of course there are some men who are attracted by this kind of skinny women but the number of these men is very small, almost all men will prefer a woman with more forms to skinny models. If someone has doubt about it just go around the city and make a percentage interview test.You will see that results make me totally right. Finally, I would like to tell all women that a real beauty is always something medium, not extremely large and not extremely small. It is mentioned also in unique Antique Culture Postulate. So, just be yourself and take care of your health, healthyness is a first step to a REAL feminine beauty ideal.

    Tatia Kukhalashvili.
